Lot 40B

Pierre LE FAGUAYS (1892-1962)
Jeune femme à la colombe / Message for love
Sculpture en bronze argenté représentant une jeune femme nue, tenant une colombe dans sa main gauche levée, dressée sur une haute stèle tronconique Art déco en marbre portor, terrasse octogonale chanfreinée en pourtour. Signature incisée "Le Faguays".
Haut. 77,8 cm - Base: 15 x 15 cm
A silver bronze sculpture representing a naked woman with a dove on her left hand. Incised signature.
Height. 30 5/8 in - Base: 5 7/8 x 5 7/8 in.
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The buyer may not take receipt of any lot until such time as he/she has paid all amounts due in full delivery of the goods.
In the event of a payment by cheque or bank transfer, delivery of the goods may be deferred until such time as the payment has cleared.
In this case, storage costs shall be borne by the buyer and TAJAN shall incur no liability whatsoever in this respect.
You agree to pay a buyer's premium of up to 23% and any applicable taxes and shipping.
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From: | To: | Increments: |
0 € | 499 € | 50 € |
500 € | 999 € | 100 € |
1 000 € | 1 999 € | 100 € |
2 000 € | 4 999 € | 200 € |
5 000 € | 9 999 € | 200 € |
10 000 € | 19 999 € | 500 € |
20 000 € | 49 999 € | 1 000 € |
50 000 € | 99 999 € | 2 000 € |
100 000 € + | 5 000 € |