Lot 68

Daum Nancy Rare service à liqueur complet comprenant une aiguière et une suite de douze verres à anses au décor des fables de La Fontaine, présenté dans son coffret d'origine de la maison Alfred Hamel. Les pièces sont en verre translucide teinté vert à la partie supérieure, décor gravé à l'acide, sur fond givré et granité, de différents décors illustrant les fables de la Fontaine, sur fond de feuillages, rehauts d'émail or. Montures feuillagées en métal doré pour les verres et argenté pour l'aiguière. Signatures émaillées "Daum - Nancy" - "Croix de Lorraine". A rare frosted and partially green tinted glass set comprising an ewer and twelve glasses in their original box, acid-etched decoration with "Fables de la Fontaine" scenes. Patinated metal mounting. Signed. Haut. aiguière: 27,1 cm / Height. of the ewer: 10 5/8 in.
Accepted Forms of Payment:
American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Personal Check, Visa, Wire Transfer
The import and export of goods may be subject to authorisation (export certificates, customs authorisations). It is the buyer's responsability to check which authorisations are required.
The buyer may not take receipt of any lot until such time as he/she has paid all amounts due in full delivery of the goods.
In the event of a payment by cheque or bank transfer, delivery of the goods may be deferred until such time as the payment has cleared.
In this case, storage costs shall be borne by the buyer and TAJAN shall incur no liability whatsoever in this respect.
You agree to pay a buyer's premium of up to 23% and any applicable taxes and shipping.
View full terms and conditions
From: | To: | Increments: |
0 € | 499 € | 50 € |
500 € | 999 € | 100 € |
1 000 € | 1 999 € | 100 € |
2 000 € | 4 999 € | 200 € |
5 000 € | 9 999 € | 200 € |
10 000 € | 19 999 € | 500 € |
20 000 € | 49 999 € | 1 000 € |
50 000 € | 99 999 € | 2 000 € |
100 000 € + | 5 000 € |