The Tajan web site is produced by Tajan SA, a French limited company capitalized at €100 000, registered in the Paris Companies Register under number B 398 182 295, Siret number 398 182 295 00012. The company’s head office is at 37, rue des Mathurins, 75008 Paris, France.
Tajan makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on this web site is accurate and up-to-date and reserves the right to modify its content at any time. Nevertheless, Tajan cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented on its web site.
Consequently, Tajan accepts no responsibility for:
– any interruption to web site service
– the occurrence of any computer bugs
– any inaccuracy or omission relating to the information made available on the web site
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– Illustrations and descriptions are not contractual and subject to modification without notice.
Personal data confidentiality
Tajan agrees to protect the confidentiality of any data supplied online by visitors to the web site. Any personal data transmitted to Tajan by visitors to the web site as part of using certain of its services will be subject to the provisions of French Law 78-17 Informatique et Libertés (The French Data Protection Act) of 06 January 1978. Visitors to the web site therefore have the right to access, correct and delete their personal data at any time by writing to the following address:
Tajan SA
Protection des données personnelles
37, rue des Mathurins
75008 Paris (F)
Links of website
The site may incorporates links to other web sites or other Internet sources. Since Tajan has no control over these sites and external sources, Tajan may not be held responsible for the availability of these web sites and external sources and cannot accept any responsibility in respect of the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on, or from, these web sites or external sources. Furthermore, Tajan will accept no responsibility for any prejudice or loss, whether actual or alleged, arising as a result of, or in relation to, the use of the goods and/or services made available by these web sites or external sources, or as a result, or in relation to, any trust placed in the content of these web sites or external sources.
Tajan property rights
The web site, together with any software requiring to be used in relation to it, may contain confidential data, protected by current intellectual property legislation or other law. Unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights applying to the documents contained on the web site and each of the contributory elements created for this web site, remain the exclusive property of Tajan. Tajan grants no licence or other right of any kind other than that of visiting and viewing the web site. The reproduction of any document published on the web site is restricted exclusively to the purpose of providing information for personal and private use; any reproduction or use of copies created for other purposes is expressly forbidden. It is also forbidden to copy, modify or create a derivation of any document published on the web site, to reverse the process of web site design or construction or to use any other method of attempting to find the source code (except for those instances permitted by law), to sell, attribute, sub-license or transfer in any way whatsoever any right applying to the software used. Similarly, it is also forbidden to modify the software or use modified versions of software, especially (but not exclusively) where the intention is to obtain unauthorised access to the service and to access the site using a method other than via the interface supplied to you by Tajan for this purpose.