Commode du paquebot France, 1962, structure en aluminium doré, ouvrant en façade par quatre tiroirs à prises profilées, façades laquées beige, éléments horizontaux laqués beige rosé, plateau en stratifié bleu à décor de vagues et côtés tendus de tissu synthétique ignifugé beige.
A chest of drawers, 1962, for France ship, aluminum underframe, beige and pinkish beige lacquered elements, blue laminate top, beige fire-proof fabric sides.
H 76 x L 68 x P 57 CM • H 29 7/8 x W 26 3/4 x D 22 1/2 IN.


    Commode pour le paquebot France par Henri LANCEL et fabriquée par la maison NUSBAUMER
    Commande spécialement conçue pour l'aménagement des cabines première classe et touriste du navire. L'armateur du paquebot souhaitant d'une part un bateau ignifugé et d'autre part, un bateau aussi léger que possible.

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The export of any lot from France or the import into another country may be subject to authorisation (export certificates, customs authorisations). It is the buyer's responsibility to check which authorisations are required. Obtaining export or import certificate is at the sole expense of the buyer.

Purchases can only be collected after the buyer has paid all amounts due in full. In the event of a payment by cheque or bank transfer, delivery of the goods may be deferred until such time as the payment has cleared. In this case, storage costs shall be borne by the buyer and Tajan shall incur no liability whatsoever in this respect.

Tajan's Shipping department is at your disposal to assist you with your shipping. You can contact [email protected] or +33 1 53 30 30 42.

June 9, 2021 5:00 PM CEST
Paris, France


You agree to pay a buyer's premium of up to 25% and any applicable taxes and shipping.

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
0 € 99 € 10 €
100 € 499 € 20 €
500 € 999 € 50 €
1 000 € 1 999 € 100 €
2 000 € 9 999 € 200 €
10 000 € 19 999 € 500 €
20 000 € 49 999 € 1 000 €
50 000 € 99 999 € 2 000 €
100 000 € + 5 000 €